德國品牌 Meinl ES-BOX 塑膠蛋沙鈴 Egg Shakers 一盒60入【型號:ESBOX】
▲The MEINL Plastic Egg Shakers are preferred due to their smooth and crystal clear sound.
These have applications in practically any musical setting.
Holds 60 egg shakers
10 x B: Blue
20 x BK: Black
10 x GREEN: Green
10 x R: Red
10 x Y: Yellow
德國品牌 Meinl ES-BOX 塑膠蛋沙鈴 Egg Shakers 一盒60入【型號:ESBOX】
德國品牌 Meinl ES-BOX 塑膠蛋沙鈴 Egg Shakers 一盒60入【型號:ESBOX】
TWD $7,200