Altus 日本品牌 A9REO 手工長笛 開孔 +E鍵 全新公司貨 原廠保固

An Excellent Option for a Step-Up Altus Flute. The 907 features a .958 Britannia silver Altus headjoint with sterling
silver lip plate and riser. The body and keys are silver-plated nickel silver, resulting in a step-up flute at an affordable
Material Composition
Sterling silver lip plate and riser, Britannia silver headjoint, silver-plated nickel silver body, footjoint and
mechanism - drawn tone holes

Comprised of 92.5% silver, Sterling Silver has long been the industry standard and widely accepted for making
high quality flutes. This silver alloy is strengthened with copper to increase hardness.

Altus 日本品牌 A9REO 手工長笛 開孔 +E鍵 全新公司貨 原廠保固
Altus 日本品牌 A9REO 手工長笛 開孔 +E鍵 全新公司貨 原廠保固
TWD $78,000