Cordoba 美國品牌 C5-ce 單板可插電古典吉他 附琴袋 古典吉他腳踏板 擦琴布 導線,小新樂器館 | SCstore 樂器購物官網,小新吉他館,創立於1999年 | 大台北實體樂器行

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Cordoba 美國品牌 C5-ce 單板可插電古典吉他 附琴袋 古典吉他腳踏板 擦琴布 導線

TWD $20,800

TWD $16,000

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Cordoba 美國品牌 C5 單板古典吉他 附琴袋 古典吉他腳踏板擦琴布 導線
面板: 單板雲杉
側板: 桃花心木
背板: 桃花心木
Fishman Isys+ 2band pickup 
A staple in the Iberia series, the Cordoba C5-CE features a solid Canadian cedar top and mahogany back and sides. The construction is based upon the traditional Spanish Classical guitar with the exception of a soft cutaway and a slightly thinner neck. The Fishman Isys+ 2band pickup system produces a rich and natural sound when amplified - perfect for gigging and recording.
※ 尺 寸 規 格
Slightly larger than the Requinto, the Cordoba Cadete is a 3/4 size guitar (615mm scale length). It has the traditional Spanish 7 fan bracing, a solid Canadian cedar top and mahogany back and sides. Additional features include a hand inlaid wooden rosette, gold tuning machines with pearl buttons and a rosewood fingerboard. An adjustable truss rod is built into the neck. This is a great guitar for anyone looking for a lightweight, comfortable, and easy playing instrument.

The Cordoba Cadete comes strung with high tension Savarez guitar strings, which are meant to be used in standard E tuning only. For a guitar that is designed to withstand higher pitched tunings, please consider our C1 ¼, C1 ½, and our Requinto 580.
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Cordoba 美國品牌 C5-ce 單板可插電古典吉他 附琴袋 古典吉他腳踏板 擦琴布 導線

TWD $20,800

TWD $16,000


